Okay, I'm fully aware that I did not blog yesterday, especially when I promised to actually write my entry about YOG. But I was too tired yesterday and had to crash at around 10pm or else I would have started my Orthopaedics posting as a half dead zombie. So yeah, but at least I'm here with another list today. No YOG post as promised though, but hopefully I'll get that produced soon, maybe on a day where I manage to get off earlier from posting or something. We'll see.
Anyway, here goes!
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
1. Quit Swimming. I think it was just me trying to validate my laziness, and unfortunately, it paved the way for a no-sports policy in the next 13 years of post-primary education. And now, I feel that urge to start taking up sports again, but I don't know if its too late. We'll see.
2. Taking up French instead of Japanese as a 3rd Language. I have no idea what transpired my mind then that convinced me to take up French as a 3rd Language, when on hindsight now, I am so much more suited for learning Japanese. Perhaps it was just me wanting to act sophisticated or something. But now, I sorely regret not taking up Japanese because I would have been sure that my interest in Japanese could be properly sustained by a healthy dose of anime & manga.
3. Studying in a Singapore University. I really wanted to go to an overseas university and to just dump that life long dream because I got into medicine was on hindsight, total madness. Nothing I can do about it anymore, but yeah, if only I didn't want to be a doctor then.
4. Deciding to continue with certain plans in M2/M3 involving the formation of clinical groups. I really should have listened to other people's misgivings/advice then about potential problems, but I was too idealistic then and I ended up being quite miserable during 2 years of clinical postings. And now, I'm so much more happy and carefree! Happy indeed.
5. Not joining choir or drama in JC/sec school. I think I'm too much of a wuss really, because I did chose the easier path during sec school and JC. I didn't dare try out for choir at all, even though I really wanted to sing. HAHA. In the end, I joined CO and Huang Cheng's backstage crew because well, they were easier choices/options to make. And even now in med school, I'm still too much of a wuss to try out for performances like Playhouse and stuff. And I probably never ever will. Haha. WUSS.
6. For being so open with regards to relationship issues. Haha. I think its self explanatory, but yeah, I think there were things/feelings that should have been better left unsaid and now that so much things are in the open, its kinda hard to work around these things. It feels like I'm stuck. I really shouldn't be so transparent anymore.
Okay, ward rounds at 730 tomorrow. Time to sleep. Night!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
I'm back! First thing's first, its part 4 of that quiz thing that's starting to annoy me because it feels like an obligation that I have to accomplish and I hate obligations. But oh well. Here goes.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Hmmmm. I foresee that this list is going to be quite difficult to complete, because my mind works at its best when its neurons are overstimulated and rapidly firing impulses in a totally chaotic and unregulated manner, so there are SO many thoughts that cross my mind that I don't really remember them. That said, I'm going to try my very best to recall as much of them as possible, and list down the more interesting ones here.
1. "Ah crap, what have I gotten myself into this time?"
2. "If I had continued swimming then, would I be much taller than I am today?"
3. "Okay, that's someone I recognize. I hope he/she doesn't notice me. Shit. He/She just noticed me. What should I do? Should I just smile/say hello/wave? Maybe I should just act as if I don't recognize him/her. Oh shit. He's/She's acknowledging my existence! Avoid eye contact and stop moving! Then maybe I'll blend into my environment. Oh shit, he's/she's walking up to me! Initiate evacuation protocol! RUN RUN RUN!"
4. "Ah shit. Some kid's sitting/standing next to me on the bus/MRT. I hope he/she doesn't notice that I'm extremely fearful of him/her. MUST AVOID EYE CONTACT AT ALL COST! Oh shit, I think he/she just smelled the fear in me! Die, must initiate evacuation protocol! RUN RUN RUN!"
5. "Auntie/Xiao Jie ... your fashion sense really CMI leh."
6. "Eh, this ______ (insert some random medical fact/condition) ah, really must know ah? MBBS will come out anot huh?"
7. "Woah, why this guy so handsome/buff/metro and dress so nicely one? Must be Gay."
Okay, I'm quite amused at myself, but I realize that the above thoughts really DO cross my mind very often. Haha. I think I'm mad. But its okay. That means I'm either a genius or a maverick. Take your pick. Kekekekeke.
YOG reflection piece to be up tomorrow! Oo-blah-di, Oo-blah-da, life goes on da! La-la-la-la Life goes on!
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Hmmmm. I foresee that this list is going to be quite difficult to complete, because my mind works at its best when its neurons are overstimulated and rapidly firing impulses in a totally chaotic and unregulated manner, so there are SO many thoughts that cross my mind that I don't really remember them. That said, I'm going to try my very best to recall as much of them as possible, and list down the more interesting ones here.
1. "Ah crap, what have I gotten myself into this time?"
2. "If I had continued swimming then, would I be much taller than I am today?"
3. "Okay, that's someone I recognize. I hope he/she doesn't notice me. Shit. He/She just noticed me. What should I do? Should I just smile/say hello/wave? Maybe I should just act as if I don't recognize him/her. Oh shit. He's/She's acknowledging my existence! Avoid eye contact and stop moving! Then maybe I'll blend into my environment. Oh shit, he's/she's walking up to me! Initiate evacuation protocol! RUN RUN RUN!"
4. "Ah shit. Some kid's sitting/standing next to me on the bus/MRT. I hope he/she doesn't notice that I'm extremely fearful of him/her. MUST AVOID EYE CONTACT AT ALL COST! Oh shit, I think he/she just smelled the fear in me! Die, must initiate evacuation protocol! RUN RUN RUN!"
5. "Auntie/Xiao Jie ... your fashion sense really CMI leh."
6. "Eh, this ______ (insert some random medical fact/condition) ah, really must know ah? MBBS will come out anot huh?"
7. "Woah, why this guy so handsome/buff/metro and dress so nicely one? Must be Gay."
Okay, I'm quite amused at myself, but I realize that the above thoughts really DO cross my mind very often. Haha. I think I'm mad. But its okay. That means I'm either a genius or a maverick. Take your pick. Kekekekeke.
YOG reflection piece to be up tomorrow! Oo-blah-di, Oo-blah-da, life goes on da! La-la-la-la Life goes on!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Okay. You can stop rolling your eyes now. I'll have it be known that I'm a spineless individual who is extremely susceptible to the brain-washing machinations of the powers who rule this island city state in which we live in. As you would have probably have guessed by now, I am currently suffering from Post-YOG depression. I couldn't even focus on studying today because all I that I can think about is how the YOG has officially ended and how suck life is going to be right now. Listening to the theme song helps to alleviate some of the pain, so I'm going to post the video in today's post as well. Don't tell me I'm super slow in posting the song on this blog. I wanted to do so ages ago... just that I sorta forgot that I actually had a blog, and I was too ashamed to do so on that social experiment called *acebook.
Now that that's out of the way, let's go on with Day Three of the quiz-thing.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart
Hmmm... Today's topic is destined to be an interesting one. "Eight ways to WIN my heart". Ha. I doubt anyone would even want to attempt to do that. I don't have a clear idea of what these 8 ways would be, so I'm just going to wing it and we'll see where we end up from here.
1. You have to be shorter than me. I'm sorry. I'm a vertically challenged boy, and no matter what others might say, height matters. I have a fragile ego and being taller than me would just utterly crush me. HA. Nah. That's not the real reason. (At least not the major one.) I think its just not visually & biologically appealing for the boy to be shorter than the girl. So yeah. I'm a prude that way.
2. Be smart & intelligent. Intelligence is sexy, even in girls. (Why am I being so sexist here!?!?) But yeah, I think I would fall head over heels for a girl who can challenge me mentally - come up with ideas/view on life that I never ever had before, engage me in a mental duel of sorts, and occasionally trounce me. That's going to be such an attractive quality.
3. Not be an overbearing, whiny *itch. Some girls just annoy me because they keep going on and on about the most frivolous things in life and expect things to be served to them on a golden platter. And the way they demand for your service or attention is so mind-f*ckingly rude that I really don't see a need to be even polite to them.
4. Have some kind of hobby/interest/activity that you are really passionate or skilled in. I actually like learning new things and if you are so passionate in something that you manage to get me interested in it as well, then you would have succeeded in influencing an extremely stubborn person and that's just freaking amazing.
5. Have a certain level of independence. I'm extremely independent and if there's one thing I fear the most is losing that independence and having some girl cling on to me 24/7. I need my personal space and time quite regularly and if you aren't able to give me that then I most probably won't be able to tolerate you. I just can't find the patience to deal with someone who needs my attention every single freaking moment. It'll drive me crazy.
6. Be able to tolerate my many quirks and eccentricities. I have to admit that I'm not an easy person to be in a long term relationship with. Haha. Heck, I'm terrible as a boyfriend really. I think I have a penchant for being quite unpredictable and ever changing, so if you can tolerate me, I'll probably give my heart and soul to you or something.
7. Be a lover of animals and nature. I cannot imagine not being able to enjoy nature with my girlfriend/wife. I definitely WOULD NOT like it if I went to Sungei Buloh with her and she keeps complaining about the mosquitoes or the weather. Or if she hates animals and thinks that global warming is just a theory. Or if she doesn't believe in doing her part to protect the environment and insists that we don't practice the 3 Rs. OR WORSE, she doesn't even know what the 3Rs are! I will seriously freak out.
8. Be someone who isn't afraid to occasionally lead the way. I think this stems from my tendency to be a bit lazy sometimes. I feel that in this age and day, both girls and boys should take equal share in taking the initiative. I get mildly irritated when girls still expect to be treated like a princess who expects the guy to plan everything during dates and only aims to complain when she doesn't like what was planned in the first place. Be confident and take the driver's seat at times. Its the age of gender equality man! Show me how great you are at being the boss, and I'll be smitten by you.
Okay, I'm finally done. Well, I don't think I managed to capture what I wanted to say properly, but yeah, the gist is there. I just barely managed to squeeze out 8 things to write about. Never thought that it'll be that difficult! But oh well, that's done and locked in. Not that it matters anyway. I'm sure that when the right girl comes, I'll know and whatever "criteria" that one used to go by wouldn't matter at all, even if she totally doesn't fit ANY of the above mentioned criterion. That's love. It makes fools out of all of us.
See ya again tomorrow then!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Today's the last day of the inaugural Youth Olympic Games held in Singapore. I can't help but feel a sense of utter disappointment that the Youth Olympics are over. 12 days have gone by so quickly. I did make a couple of trips down to watch some of the events 'live' but I do regret not having done so earlier. Then again, tickets weren't really made available til about halfway through the games so I wouldn't have been able to get tickets anyway. Still, its been such a pleasure viewing the games, both 'live' and from home. I have quite alot of thoughts and feelings with regards to the Youth Olympics, so I think I'll leave them to another entry, either tomorrow or over the weekend. But I'm going to miss it really.
That said, I'm here to complete day two of the quiz thing that I've embarked on. Here goes!
Day Two: Nine things about myself
1. I am a closet patriot. I'm usually not too vocal about my love for my country, but I tend to get unbelievably patriotic whenever I watch big national events like NDP, YOG and the likes. Even watching the F1 Grand Prix makes me proud to be a Singaporean. Also, I absolutely love the Singapore skyline. Its amazing. Marina Bay is shaping up to be a real beauty man.
2. I have a habit/superstition with regards to cutting my hair. I will never have my hair cut when I'm in the midst of studying for a major exam because I believe that each strain of hair lost to that pair of dastardly scissors, is equivalent to some little bit of knowledge lost. So yeah, I tend to have very messy hair when I sit for major exams.
3. My biggest vice is probably that of laziness. That's probably why I tend to leave most of my personal projects for the dead. That and oh, procrastination. Its a sad thing really. But I just can't see a solution round it that I'll like.
4. I also tend to be very extreme with regards to developing interests in things. I get obsessed over an idea/concept/sport/game extremely quickly and get bored with it even quicker. Haha. That's probably the reason why my personal interests and hobbies actually change so often and regularly, and that I'm always constantly looking for new things to get obsessed with. Its an endless cycle of everlasting boredom.
5. That said, I'm very different in my approach to work. I tend to be a bit stubborn with my approach to studies and would take an extremely pragmatic, no nonsense, dogmatic method to planning a study schedule and sticking to it. No questions asked.
6. I love to do things at my own pace. That includes traveling. My ideal vacation is to throw me to a country/city for a month or so and just allow me to take my time to explore and live in that country/city. That's the way I like it really.
7. I have drawn loads of stuff and written loads of stories/scripts/poems and lyrics but I've never ever showed them to anyone. I've even destroyed a box worth of these creations before. I think I create for my own pleasure, but being able to destroy these creations gives me even greater satisfaction. Perverse indeed.
8. I'm quite interested in stuff that's dark, kooky, morbid, even grotesque, but my view of life and the world in general, is actually quite optimistic and cheery. (This totally surprises me!) I think it helps that I'm so used to negative energies, such that they don't bother me these days and I'm able to just march on with life in my own peaceful little bubble of chakras that just emote positivity.
9. I admit that I'm a bit of a prankster. I sometimes rejoice in the misfortune of others, and wouldn't ever miss an opportunity to embarrass someone or make them squirm! YAY!
Okay. I'm dead beat. Time to sleep. Tata!
That said, I'm here to complete day two of the quiz thing that I've embarked on. Here goes!
Day Two: Nine things about myself
1. I am a closet patriot. I'm usually not too vocal about my love for my country, but I tend to get unbelievably patriotic whenever I watch big national events like NDP, YOG and the likes. Even watching the F1 Grand Prix makes me proud to be a Singaporean. Also, I absolutely love the Singapore skyline. Its amazing. Marina Bay is shaping up to be a real beauty man.
2. I have a habit/superstition with regards to cutting my hair. I will never have my hair cut when I'm in the midst of studying for a major exam because I believe that each strain of hair lost to that pair of dastardly scissors, is equivalent to some little bit of knowledge lost. So yeah, I tend to have very messy hair when I sit for major exams.
3. My biggest vice is probably that of laziness. That's probably why I tend to leave most of my personal projects for the dead. That and oh, procrastination. Its a sad thing really. But I just can't see a solution round it that I'll like.
4. I also tend to be very extreme with regards to developing interests in things. I get obsessed over an idea/concept/sport/game extremely quickly and get bored with it even quicker. Haha. That's probably the reason why my personal interests and hobbies actually change so often and regularly, and that I'm always constantly looking for new things to get obsessed with. Its an endless cycle of everlasting boredom.
5. That said, I'm very different in my approach to work. I tend to be a bit stubborn with my approach to studies and would take an extremely pragmatic, no nonsense, dogmatic method to planning a study schedule and sticking to it. No questions asked.
6. I love to do things at my own pace. That includes traveling. My ideal vacation is to throw me to a country/city for a month or so and just allow me to take my time to explore and live in that country/city. That's the way I like it really.
7. I have drawn loads of stuff and written loads of stories/scripts/poems and lyrics but I've never ever showed them to anyone. I've even destroyed a box worth of these creations before. I think I create for my own pleasure, but being able to destroy these creations gives me even greater satisfaction. Perverse indeed.
8. I'm quite interested in stuff that's dark, kooky, morbid, even grotesque, but my view of life and the world in general, is actually quite optimistic and cheery. (This totally surprises me!) I think it helps that I'm so used to negative energies, such that they don't bother me these days and I'm able to just march on with life in my own peaceful little bubble of chakras that just emote positivity.
9. I admit that I'm a bit of a prankster. I sometimes rejoice in the misfortune of others, and wouldn't ever miss an opportunity to embarrass someone or make them squirm! YAY!
Okay. I'm dead beat. Time to sleep. Tata!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
a blatant attempt to kick start this dead blog.
Its now August and its been close to 2 months since I last blogged an entry here. I vaguely recalled that I wanted to follow up my last entry, which was a reflection of my days in London, with a reflection of my days in New York. Obviously, I've failed to do so. Haha. The draft of that entry's still in my hard drive actually, but obviously, I've been procrastinating alot and with the commencement of what is hopefully my last year in Medical School, time to really sit down and contemplate is probably going to be a luxury that's few and far between. So really, we'll see if I do decide to get that entry publish. Yup, we'll see.
To be honest, I don't think anybody really reads this blog anyway. But I'm currently in my insomniac phase again and I really can't seem to fall asleep so I decided to do some random internet surfing when I stumbled on an update on the blog of one of my favorite-st people in the whole wide world. Its one of those quiz things that I JUST CAN'T stop myself from wanting to complete it. So here goes.
Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession.
So basically, today's day one and I'm suppose to write down ten things that I want to say to ten different people. Here goes!
Day one: 10 things that I wanna say to 10 different people
1. Its okay that you didn't win a medal really! Work hard and don't ever give up! That's the spirit of a true champion. Other medals will come your way if you keep working at it.
2. I think you should do what your heart tells you to do, and not what my brain tells you to do. Cause your heart's really pure while my brain needs a cure. Haha.
3. I think you need help. Like serious help. Like serious, serious, serious help. In fact, I think you need it right now. Like RIGHT RIGHT NOW..... What are you still waiting for!?!?!?! GET HELP NOW!
4. I hope you had another good week at school! I feel guilty that I'm like gallivanting across YOG venues when I actually promised to help you out with school during these two weeks.
5. I think we should meet up more often. Like once every week. It'll give me something to look forward to. Plus, its always cathartic to talk to you guys. You guys really rock!
6. WHY IS YOG really ending? And ORTHO starting! And my 2 week study break is ending! WHY WHY WHY!
7. Eh I don't know if I can really get into residency leh. But I will still try. So really, you all should try to.
8. You guys should just make up. Its so strange to see you both not talking to each other in the way you used to.
9. Don't play with fire, unless you are really flamin' hot yourself and can really take the heat, or you just love the pain it causes you. Just don't come screaming when it gives you ugly scars, cause they ain't gonna be pretty!
10. Don't take my advice too seriously, because I sometimes say things with the aim of causing trouble, because I actually like seeing people in trouble. Sometimes. Not all the time. But yeah, I'm a poltergeist in disguise.
Okay. That's done. It wasn't of any help to my insomnia, because I'm still as energetic as ever. This is a reason why I hate long breaks. It totally screws up my sleep cycle. I'm tired but I can't SLEEP. I need to sleep. Lest I become a crazy red lobster. Argh. Ack. Shucks.
To be honest, I don't think anybody really reads this blog anyway. But I'm currently in my insomniac phase again and I really can't seem to fall asleep so I decided to do some random internet surfing when I stumbled on an update on the blog of one of my favorite-st people in the whole wide world. Its one of those quiz things that I JUST CAN'T stop myself from wanting to complete it. So here goes.
Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession.
So basically, today's day one and I'm suppose to write down ten things that I want to say to ten different people. Here goes!
Day one: 10 things that I wanna say to 10 different people
1. Its okay that you didn't win a medal really! Work hard and don't ever give up! That's the spirit of a true champion. Other medals will come your way if you keep working at it.
2. I think you should do what your heart tells you to do, and not what my brain tells you to do. Cause your heart's really pure while my brain needs a cure. Haha.
3. I think you need help. Like serious help. Like serious, serious, serious help. In fact, I think you need it right now. Like RIGHT RIGHT NOW..... What are you still waiting for!?!?!?! GET HELP NOW!
4. I hope you had another good week at school! I feel guilty that I'm like gallivanting across YOG venues when I actually promised to help you out with school during these two weeks.
5. I think we should meet up more often. Like once every week. It'll give me something to look forward to. Plus, its always cathartic to talk to you guys. You guys really rock!
6. WHY IS YOG really ending? And ORTHO starting! And my 2 week study break is ending! WHY WHY WHY!
7. Eh I don't know if I can really get into residency leh. But I will still try. So really, you all should try to.
8. You guys should just make up. Its so strange to see you both not talking to each other in the way you used to.
9. Don't play with fire, unless you are really flamin' hot yourself and can really take the heat, or you just love the pain it causes you. Just don't come screaming when it gives you ugly scars, cause they ain't gonna be pretty!
10. Don't take my advice too seriously, because I sometimes say things with the aim of causing trouble, because I actually like seeing people in trouble. Sometimes. Not all the time. But yeah, I'm a poltergeist in disguise.
Okay. That's done. It wasn't of any help to my insomnia, because I'm still as energetic as ever. This is a reason why I hate long breaks. It totally screws up my sleep cycle. I'm tired but I can't SLEEP. I need to sleep. Lest I become a crazy red lobster. Argh. Ack. Shucks.
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