Friday, August 27, 2010

Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.

Okay. You can stop rolling your eyes now. I'll have it be known that I'm a spineless individual who is extremely susceptible to the brain-washing machinations of the powers who rule this island city state in which we live in. As you would have probably have guessed by now, I am currently suffering from Post-YOG depression. I couldn't even focus on studying today because all I that I can think about is how the YOG has officially ended and how suck life is going to be right now. Listening to the theme song helps to alleviate some of the pain, so I'm going to post the video in today's post as well. Don't tell me I'm super slow in posting the song on this blog. I wanted to do so ages ago... just that I sorta forgot that I actually had a blog, and I was too ashamed to do so on that social experiment called *acebook.

Now that that's out of the way, let's go on with Day Three of the quiz-thing.

Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart
Hmmm... Today's topic is destined to be an interesting one. "Eight ways to WIN my heart". Ha. I doubt anyone would even want to attempt to do that. I don't have a clear idea of what these 8 ways would be, so I'm just going to wing it and we'll see where we end up from here.

1. You have to be shorter than me. I'm sorry. I'm a vertically challenged boy, and no matter what others might say, height matters. I have a fragile ego and being taller than me would just utterly crush me. HA. Nah. That's not the real reason. (At least not the major one.) I think its just not visually & biologically appealing for the boy to be shorter than the girl. So yeah. I'm a prude that way.

2. Be smart & intelligent. Intelligence is sexy, even in girls. (Why am I being so sexist here!?!?) But yeah, I think I would fall head over heels for a girl who can challenge me mentally - come up with ideas/view on life that I never ever had before, engage me in a mental duel of sorts, and occasionally trounce me. That's going to be such an attractive quality.

3. Not be an overbearing, whiny *itch. Some girls just annoy me because they keep going on and on about the most frivolous things in life and expect things to be served to them on a golden platter. And the way they demand for your service or attention is so mind-f*ckingly rude that I really don't see a need to be even polite to them.

4. Have some kind of hobby/interest/activity that you are really passionate or skilled in. I actually like learning new things and if you are so passionate in something that you manage to get me interested in it as well, then you would have succeeded in influencing an extremely stubborn person and that's just freaking amazing.

5. Have a certain level of independence. I'm extremely independent and if there's one thing I fear the most is losing that independence and having some girl cling on to me 24/7. I need my personal space and time quite regularly and if you aren't able to give me that then I most probably won't be able to tolerate you. I just can't find the patience to deal with someone who needs my attention every single freaking moment. It'll drive me crazy.

6. Be able to tolerate my many quirks and eccentricities. I have to admit that I'm not an easy person to be in a long term relationship with. Haha. Heck, I'm terrible as a boyfriend really. I think I have a penchant for being quite unpredictable and ever changing, so if you can tolerate me, I'll probably give my heart and soul to you or something.

7. Be a lover of animals and nature. I cannot imagine not being able to enjoy nature with my girlfriend/wife. I definitely WOULD NOT like it if I went to Sungei Buloh with her and she keeps complaining about the mosquitoes or the weather. Or if she hates animals and thinks that global warming is just a theory. Or if she doesn't believe in doing her part to protect the environment and insists that we don't practice the 3 Rs. OR WORSE, she doesn't even know what the 3Rs are! I will seriously freak out.

8. Be someone who isn't afraid to occasionally lead the way. I think this stems from my tendency to be a bit lazy sometimes. I feel that in this age and day, both girls and boys should take equal share in taking the initiative. I get mildly irritated when girls still expect to be treated like a princess who expects the guy to plan everything during dates and only aims to complain when she doesn't like what was planned in the first place. Be confident and take the driver's seat at times. Its the age of gender equality man! Show me how great you are at being the boss, and I'll be smitten by you.

Okay, I'm finally done. Well, I don't think I managed to capture what I wanted to say properly, but yeah, the gist is there. I just barely managed to squeeze out 8 things to write about. Never thought that it'll be that difficult! But oh well, that's done and locked in. Not that it matters anyway. I'm sure that when the right girl comes, I'll know and whatever "criteria" that one used to go by wouldn't matter at all, even if she totally doesn't fit ANY of the above mentioned criterion. That's love. It makes fools out of all of us.

See ya again tomorrow then!

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