Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The First One (in over 6 months!)


I can't believe I'm actually back, blogging again. It took me a LONG LONG while to decide if I really wanted to start it all again, because given the chronic lack of time I seem to be suffering from, I just couldn't find any good reason to start blogging once more.

My life's an awful bore these days. Its always work work work, and I didn't really want to blog about that because I absolutely hate blogs that go on and on about every friggin' aspect of their day. I've always felt that a blog should be something to indulge in, something that allows you to squeeze your creative juices and create something phantasmical out of it. And that was definitely not what my previous blog was becoming... it was just going in a wrong creative direction. And that was the reason why I decided to shut it down. Yup. Stefanie would be SOOOOO proud of me! Taking a leaf out of her book and deciding to stop my blog while I attempted to re-discover my creativity and direction in life was about the best thing to have happened to me in terms of my blogosphere activities.

ANYWAY. Not that my blog closure meant anything. Nobody reads blogs these days anyway. Blogging is so so so yesterday. In the present age of Friendster, Facebook and now, Twitter, no one bothers with blogging anymore. Which is a good thing for the folks who still like to blog, because it means less interference and less a need for censorship! Let the mud slinging begin!

So yeah. I've restarted my blog, albeit at a different address from the former. I'm trying to move this blog into a direction which is totally different from what the previous one ended up as. I hope to inject some creativity into the entries, possibly write entries in a more humorous/nonsensical fashion. Also, I'll be actively using this blog as a revision platform for my medical studies as well, so don't be surprised to see the occasional entries filled with medical jargon! But rest assured, the main crux of the entries would still be that of my insights to life as I struggle to sieve through the many many MANY complex emotions that we humans live through in this colorful colorful world of ours. Sigh.

Oh and it is not by coincidence that this blog is entitled 'Life In Technicolor iii'. I absolutely adore Coldplay, so thanks to them for giving me some inspiration with the style and themes of the blog!

The first post is always the lamest because no one is reading it at all. So it feels like I'm just talking to myself. Loser!