Sunday, June 21, 2009

the start of M4

Starting tomorrow, I will be an M4 medical student.

Sigh. Time sure flies. Its incredible really. Very soon M4 will be over and we'll be doing our electives... and then it'll be the start of M5 and the beginning of our doom!

I start Orthopaedics tomorrow. 2 months of broken bones, worn out joints and various nerve palsies. I personally am not looking forward to it, because the last time I interacted with any Orthopaedic surgeon, I had a very bad experience. These people are generally not the most friendly of the lot.

That said, its sad that I'm feeling so exhausted on the night before I start my Orthopaedics posting. I had an exhausting weekend, not because I was out partying the night away or anything, but it has been such an emotionally draining three days that I feel like I've been infected by H1N1 influenza or something. I am exhausted.

I am on the other hand, quite upset that I had to forgo several social engagements over the past few days. I missed a 71 gathering (argh!) and also a Kbox outing. I also missed my last chance to catch StarTrek in the cinema. I've a feeling that I would feel better if I had went for some of this social engagements, but alas, the call of duty is too strong to ignore. Such is the destiny of my lot.

Another a new day, another new posting, another new semester, a totally new academic year. Time to take the plunge people!

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