Thursday, October 8, 2009

500 days of Summer

This is NOT your average love story. Its a story that focuses on the deconstruction of a relationship.

I absolutely loved it, because its quirky, non-conventional and bittersweet. It has amazingly likeable leads who you can't help but root for. Joseph Gordon-Levitt's acting is the highlight of this film - his subtle portrayal of a sensitive man who is vulnerable both in and out of love was just excellent! I want to say more, but my mind's totally fried from long hours of sleep deprivation. Dude, this film just rocks!

After watching the film, I can't help but feel a sense of gratification. Love, is just a fantasy. A fantasy that forces us to have amazingly high expectations of what we hope Love will be, but then the brutality of reality will always make us realise how silly our thoughts were. As the titular character in the film, 'Summer' so coolly explains - 'Life happened. And Love was gone.'

This film is for all the self professed nerds out there who have problems finding or understanding that tricky little concept that we call 'Love'. I wanted to watch it because I felt that I might be able to identify with the film's lead. I came out of it feeling as if I've lived through all my failed attempts at contemplating 'Love' all over again. Such is the nature of it all - we males of the new-age-geeky-nerdy-emo-i'm-so-sensitive-and-sweet generation have such an amazingly stupid way of destroying our own relationships because we just read too much into the silliest of things. Its absurd really, but its true. The film captures nothing but the truth.

The truth is, as much as I would love to deny it - I'm still a geeky, nerdy, socially awkward guy living in today's ultra-fast paced modern society, and I totally dread dipping my toes in the ocean of modern day romances. God Save Me.

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