Thursday, October 15, 2009

The problem with being idle

This week's gonna be my last ever week of being idle in a very long time. Haha. With the end of my short postings just around the corner, I feel a slight tinge of sadness that my life's going to be replaced by the madness that is O&G. But truth be told, a part of me is actually happy that such idle days are almost over. I honestly feel that having absolutely nothing to study for is much much worse than having tonnes of work to do. The days of short postings were just like the former - very often, there just wasn't any impetus to read or to learn stuff. They were just days of endless waiting and loafing about - too much loafing in fact! I think my brain has officially undergone liquefactive necrosis and has turned into jello.

Not that I did not enjoy my days in the various short postings. I had fun in most, if not all of them. Still, I feel like I've come out of these short postings without truly accomplishing anything, like I've just woken up from an incredibly long coma and is currently struggling to shake off the remnants of stupor. I need some excitement to refresh my life man. These 2 months of slacking has really taken a toil on whatever edge I once had.

Then again, once O&G gets underway, I'll probably look back at this entry and wonder 'WHAT THE HELL WAS I COMPLAINING ABOUT?!?!' But yeah, that's another issue for me to face another day. As of now, I need to get out of this slump. TOO MUCH COMPUTER GAMES. ARGH.

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